About Me
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Hamd Waseem

Aspiring developer, self-taught and just twelve years old! Passionate about Python, Swift, web development, and fascinated by the world of AI and data science.
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Hamd Waseem

Aspiring developer, self-taught and just twelve years old! Passionate about Python, Swift, web development, and fascinated by the world of AI and data science.


Hi there! 👋

I'm Hamd, a twelve-year-old coding and software enthusiast, experienced in Python, Swift, web & mobile app creation, Unity game development and cloud computing. My journey began at age six when I delved into the world of coding by creating games with Swift Playgrounds. Since then, I've honed my skills and built apps using Xcode and Swift & SwiftUI, and I've become proficient in Python. I've built multiple AI and data science projects, also delving into image recognition, and have deployed advanced Flask and Django sites. I've also explored and mastered web development, sharpening my HTML, CSS, and JS skills, even building this blog website. 🌠

In the realm of mobile app development, I've made iOS and Android apps with Kivy, used Kotlin to build apps for Android, and have used many different tools (like Firebase) to add features like secure authentication to my apps. Expanding my toolkit further, I've learned Dart & Flutter, ReactJS and more. Most recently, I've embarked on a journey into game development with Unity, with some exciting projects in the works. 🚀

This blog serves as my platform to share knowledge about coding and software, exploring a variety of subjects and technological wonders. You can look forward to a treasure trove of intriguing content, with new posts coming your way weekly (depending on my schedule). 🔥📝

Enjoy! 📚

My Projects

Project X - Swift

ProjectX is an in-development Xcode app which is a curated list of project ideas.


pypredictor - Python

pypredictor is a Python library that uses tensorflow to predict the next n numbers in a list.


WeatherPlot - Python

WeatherPlot uses the free open-meteo API to generate rain predictions for the whole day in the geolocation you provide.


Invisibility Cloak - Python

Using cv2 and numpy, the colour red will become invisible in the camera frame.


PassSafe - Swift

Using Firebase Firestore and secure encryption with RNCryptor this app can securely store your passwords.
